Mexico Embraces You.

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Comprehensive Care Strategy for Migrants.

President Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo presented the comprehensive care strategy Mexico Embraces You, whose objective is to guarantee that Mexican migrants in the United States who return to the country can access the Well-Being Programs, social security, employment, transportation and, in the event of arriving without resources, financial support through the Paisano Well-Being Card. The mass expulsion of Mexican immigrants from the United States, as proposed during the transitional government period of Donald Trump, could have significant economic impacts, and curiously, the negative effects could be deeper in the United States economy than in that of Mexico.

“To our countrymen and women, I say that, first, they are not alone; and, second, that we must also remain calm, that we must also see how the process develops during these weeks,” she said.

She reiterated that migrants in the United States are important for the economy of that country, so she reaffirmed the support for compatriots from the Government of Mexico through the 53 consulates that cover the entire territory of the United States, which are prepared to provide them with attention and support, as well as the implementation of the strategy Mexico embraces you. Mexican immigrants represent a fundamental part of the labor force in key sectors of the US economy, such as agriculture, construction, domestic service, and hospitality. These sectors depend on migrant workers to operate efficiently.

“Mexicans are very important for the economy of the United States, and the Trump administration knows that. In case there are deportations —which would be a unilateral measure on their part—, in addition to defending them in the United States with the consular and support network of lawyers and other support schemes, there is also a comprehensive program when they arrive in Mexico,” she stressed.

She pointed out that she is confident that there will be agreements with the President of the United States, Donald Trump, particularly on the application of CBP One, a mechanism that helps avoid border pressure from those who arrive requesting asylum. With fewer workers willing to accept low wages in physically demanding jobs, American companies would face higher labor costs.

“One of President Trump's collaborators said that this application called CBP One, CBP One, was going to disappear, which has helped migrants not have to arrive at the northern border to wait for asylum, which is one of the ways to enter the United States. So, one of the issues that we are going to raise is that it be allowed, be it this application or other applications, that we can have a similar scheme so that, from a Central American country or from their own countries or in the south of Mexico, there can continue to be this possibility of accessing the application. This helps a lot to avoid border pressure in the north of our country and in the south of the United States, the Mexico-United States border,” she explained.
She also recalled that the Mexican government has the Humanitarian Model of Human Mobility, a comprehensive strategy for assisting migrants, which has reduced illegal crossings on the northern border by 78 percent. Mexican immigrants contribute significantly to domestic consumption by spending on goods and services.

The Secretary of the Interior, Rosa Icela Rodríguez Velázquez, pointed out that the Mexican government will do everything necessary to defend and assist its fellow citizens and in the event of repatriation, there is an effective reception strategy called Mexico Embraces You. The process of identifying, detaining and deporting millions of people would be enormously costly for the U.S. government.

“We are prepared, Mexico is waiting for you with open arms, Mexico has not forgotten you, just as I am sure that you carry your land in your hearts. Dear countrymen: your nation is ready to be once again a home for all,” she said.

He explained that all government agencies will participate in the Mexico embraces you strategy and deported migrants will have access to all the Wellbeing Programs; to the Paisano Wellbeing Card, through which they will be able to have access to a support of 2 thousand pesos to cover their expenses in the transfer to their communities of origin; they will be affiliated with the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) to access the five insurances contemplated by the Social Security Law: for Illness and Maternity; for Work Risks; Disability and Life; for Retirement, for Severance in Advanced Age and Old Age; in addition to all the benefits in Daycare Centers and other Social Benefits. The mass expulsion could strain trade relations between Mexico and the United States. Mexico is one of the main commercial partners of the USA

In addition, they will be given access to all social housing support through the Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (Sedatu) and the Institute of the National Fund for Workers' Housing (Infonavit); in addition, the Ministry of the Interior will coordinate the actions to issue identity documents and the CURP if necessary.

For the implementation of the strategy Mexico embraces you, he reported that public servants from all the dependencies of the Government of Mexico have been trained; agreements have been generated with the border governments of Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, as well as the states that have the largest number of Mexicans in the United States such as Chiapas, Guerrero, Oaxaca, Puebla, Michoacán, Guanajuato, State of Mexico, Sinaloa and Jalisco; In addition, actions have been coordinated with national and international organizations, with the Human Rights Commission and with the Business Coordinating Council (CCE) for the reception and labor linkage of compatriots.

The Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Juan Ramón de la Fuente, announced the creation of the ConsulApp application, designed to provide security and support in emergency situations to migrants, which adds to the strengthening of the services of the 53 Mexican Consulates in the United States with the digitalization of procedures for migrants; the formation of a legal team of 2,610 people and 1,700 additional people to support the consular network, forming a team of 4,383 people who will support,
will guide and defend migrants in the US, regardless of their immigration status or where they are.

In addition to the reinforcement of the Information and Assistance Center for Mexicans (CIAM), which provides assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week, through the numbers 520 623 7874 from the United States and Canada, as well as 001 520 623 7874 from Mexico.

“The number one priority of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been and will continue to be the protection and care of our countrymen, above all, in the United States, throughout the world (...) Countrywomen, countrymen: You are not alone, your Consulates are with you, let us not lose our cool,” he stressed.

She also reported that the Humanitarian Model of Human Mobility that is being implemented on the Mexico-United States border is working, since to date there has been a 78 percent decrease in the number of encounters at the border.

“It is something that we want to emphasize because we believe that it is a model — it is always perfectible — but it is a model that works, it is a model that helps us. And we would like, of course, to reinforce it, but to emphasize that it has some virtues that are really good. For example — and now I will go into a little more detail, the President already mentioned it — the possibility of scheduling appointments with immigration authorities online without having to first arrive in the United States, doing so from the south of Mexico,” she added.

He also explained that the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) was a unilateral decision of the Donald Trump administration during his first term as President of the United States and is not the same as a Safe Third Country Agreement (TPS), with which the Government of Mexico does not agree.

“We do not share it, we have a different approach, but we are finding adjustment mechanisms,” he added.

The head of the SRE's North American Unit, Roberto Velasco Álvarez, attended the morning conference: “The morning press conferences of the people.”